Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hater's Gonna Hate...Writing Ain't Easy

The pursuit of a creative career might be the most complicated choice to make. Writing ain’t easy. I mean for me it comes pretty easy. All throughout my days in English class, I would spend at the most an hour on an essay and receive an “A”. I fought the idea of writing my whole life, because it came so easy to me. By high school I felt bored by how easy the writing process came to me. During college I fell in love with my creative ability when I met Dr. Baker-Schena who pushed me to do my best.
Writing as a career takes heart and dedication. I would compare pursuing writing similar to chasing a singing career. Thousands of people might be capable of singing a Mariah Carey ballad, but what makes him or her special compared to the rest of the Beyonce-wanna-be’s? Thousands of writers also believe they stand out and in order to be successful a person needs to be excellent. Find a target audience and write for a purpose not for a paycheck, and hopefully the money will eventually start flowing.
Unfortunately, everyone starts a blog these days. Facebook doubles as a giant community blog. The Internet allows people to proclaim his or her opinions on everything, so a pursuit of opinion/advice writing as a career becomes a million times harder these days. People hate on my blog to my face, luckily I reached a point in my life where I could give two s@#$ what anyone thinks about me. (I feel like I rock at life these days and that’s all that matters.) The people that make fun of me (“LOL are you going to blog?”) just drive me to prove to the Internet world my writing and blogging serves a purpose. I decided to write to help people figure out life through my experiences past, present and future.
I decided to invite people to follow my journey towards a creative career. Blogging helps me practice my writing and allows the book inside my head to reach perfection. I hope my book appears on people’s Nooks in the future (I promote the buying of books and CD’s, but I’m not naive to fact that the screen junkies of America put Tower Records and Borders out of business (two places I loved) …support the arts yo. Creative people keep you entertained and it ain’t easy).
I thought if people realized that this blog means something to me they might take it more serious, start “liking” it, and stop hating on me…just sayin’. (The “like” button now controls our world and if you “like” what you read please help me build an audience by sharing the articles you enjoy with your friends…Please and Thanks)

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