“It is the deepest desire of every writer, the one we never admit or even dare to speak of; to write a book we can leave as a legacy. And although it is sometimes easy to forget, wanting to be a writer is not about reviews or advances or how many copies are printed or sold. It is much simpler than that, and much more passionate. If you do it right, and if they publish it, you may actually leave something behind that can last forever.” –Alice Hoffman, from The New York Times

The quote above has been posted in my room since I was in high school, ten years later I took a look at it and read it to myself again. I forgot what I always wanted to do since childhood…write. I decided to start a blog in hopes someone will read my writing and want to help me publish the book I have always wanted to write. Or maybe someone will read it and offer me freelance opportunities. I also figure that if that doesn’t happen, maybe people will stumble across my blog during a random Google search and read my point of view on life and take away something that helps add a new perspective on things for them. Maybe I will even make someone laugh and forget about the daily dramas of life. This blog will reflect my opinion on basically whatever my heart desires to write about, because opinion writing is what I enjoyed most during my studies in Journalism. If you like what you read please fill free to follow me daily and share my blog with your friends. You can also "like" my blog on Facebook (,  follow me on Twitter (@stynajustsayin), or Instagram (@styna_just_sayin).