My parents named me Christina, but my friends call me Styna. People tend to think I’m a bitch or that I don’t like them when they first meet me, but in reality I pride myself as a very nice, loyal person and I care about people a great deal. I express a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor that often offends people until they realize a "just kidding" will shortly follow anything I say. The comedian inside me really just attempts to make people laugh daily. People often refer to me as Daria (90’s cartoon character, Google her), because my monotone voice expresses absolutely no emotional fluctuation, which sadly makes people think I might be depressed and 3 minutes away from slitting my wrists to end my internal pain, but I actually enjoy my life, for the most part. My outlook on life might be different than most peoples. People say that as long as you can count the number of good friends on one hand you must be lucky, but I feel that I was given a gift, a gift to listen, give advice and to find something good in most people (I would be lying if I said I cared for every person I came across during my life). This openness to people allowed me to experience a great number of people that all taught me more about life. I would like to influence people through my writing and as I continue to figure out this concept known as “life”, maybe my outlook will help others to not take life so seriously. During this economic time I now realize more than ever that money (it helps though...just sayin') and power do not keep the human race happy, but relationships keep us sane. Laughter, friends and family help me make it through each day. The media and many peoples opinions of what life should be I think confuse us into believing that if we do not follow a certain time-line for life (college, marriage, kids etc.) then there is something wrong with us. I say F-the time-line of life and just enjoy it and the people it allows you to experience. If the time-line works for you great, but it just never appealed to me. So here I am almost 30, a college graduate not working in my studied field, starting a blog about the forces of life constantly pulling me in different directions, constantly making me question whether or not I am living life the right way. I finally decided to live it my way. I will blog about searching for love, experiences with friends that teach me things and things in life that just make getting through each day easier as I try to figure it all out.