Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome and Big-Up's to 2-Pac!

“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could’ve, would’ve happened…or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the f@#$ on.” – Tupac Shakur.
Mr. Tupac Shakur (RIP) was a great musician and entertainer. There have been many moments in my life where I can remember jammin’ to him with my friends to, “To Live and Die in LA”. My friend and I still have weekly conversations about Tupac (no lie, she hearts him). In his short life in my opinion he was capable of leaving an imprint on people’s lives. Apparently at some point he said the quote above. It’s amazing how life helps you stumble across quotes, sayings, or songs that really speak to you. Words that help you recover from a situation that life hands you. That special quote that opens your heart to heal and helps you move the f@#$ on and get over it. This man is still influencing my life 16 years after his death, its cool to think that certain people can inspire so many others with their words, songs and creativity, it’s at least something I aspire to do.
            Now for why this quote helped my life and brought me to this blog I’m about to start. I believed I found the man of my dreams. The guy everyone refers to as “the one”. Long story short, the guy broke my heart. I cried my eyes out, ate a lot of ice cream, and like everyone who has experienced heartbreak, thought my life would never be the same without Mr. Heartbreaker. I dwelled a lot on what went wrong in this weird situation I found myself in, because this person actually helped me figure out a lot about life and myself. The heartbreak hotel I stayed at for too long started to stop me from pursuing my dreams. I realized we all experience love that doesn’t work out. One day, when I entered the final stage of recovering from my addiction to Mr. Heartbreaker, I Googled, “Moving On Quotes” and came across the one above and said to myself, “Amen Mr. Tupac, you’re right, it didn’t work out…get the f-over it”(I sadly thoroughly enjoy bad words, so the f-word really added a special touch).
            So now I’m here starting a blog, which is what I have wanted to do for the past two years. Sometimes heartache can help you learn what’s important in life. The most important thing I think is to always do what you love to do even if you never become successful from it. Life is to short to worry about what didn’t work out in the past. It is what it is until it isn’t. I am trying to no longer let the stresses of life let me forget what makes me truly happy.
            With this blog I’m going to share my life with people. Being single and almost 30, how getting older makes you wiser, about pop culture, things that make me laugh, and anything that helps me make it through life. I hope that things I write about inspire you, make you laugh, and help you look at life differently. Welcome to “Styna: Just Sayin’ ”, the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hey yo styna! I be sooper proud of you's doin this here blog!
