Monday, March 11, 2013

S@#$ Happens...But Seriously?

The other day on Instagram, a person who shall remain nameless, posted a picture of their child’s poop all over her clothes. Really? Does this seem to be something that anyone needs to witness?

As a single lady who still remains undecided about the need to fill her own life with a child or two, I find certain things about your child should remain on a-need-to-know-basis or maybe even be placed in the “what-you-do-in-your-private-time-is-really-known-of-my-business” category.

At my age I find myself inundated with pictures of my former high school classmates holding count downs until baby three comes on Facebook, pictures of baby bumps, pictures of newborns, and holiday cards of families. I enjoy witnessing my friend’s son pitch his first baseball game on Facebook, because my busy life does not allow me to attend these moments all the time. I truly remain happy that people from my past found love and joy in building a family life. I myself remain a kid at heart.

Certain pictures of a child and what they do should remain off the Internet, because as much as we love our friends child and his or her pictures, we do not need to know every time they use the restroom or view pictures of explosive diarrhea on Instagram…seriously?

Maybe taking sort of a “What would Jesus do?” outlook of the situation, but for parents “What would my friends do if they saw this?” or remember this blog post, and ask yourself, “What would Styna do?” If I do ever decide to bare a child in this lifetime, Styna would not share puke, poop, broken bones from hockey matches, or any other thing that might make all my followers on Instagram throw up in their mouth…just sayin’.

I want to know when my friends kid wins an award, scores a soccer goal, and what they wear for Halloween, the cute things. The exciting moments Facebook allows people to share with family and friends, so even during the hustle and bustle we still feel present in our friend’s kid’s lives. But certain things I would rather pretend did not happen, because as a single childless lady I often disregard that gross things happen when a child enters the world.

I know an Emoji exists where a pile of poop displays a smiley face (this makes people laugh), but images of a baby’s poop on Instagram will not receive a smiley face response from all your followers.

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