Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Life Without Target = Sadface

The biggest adjustment to my move to cacti country would be the absence of a Target conveniently located down the street. In order for me to enjoy a stroll through Target I must take a journey, which involves driving on a freeway, exiting about 8.53 miles away from my house, and the kicker, the Target does not even hold a Starbucks inside. I might as well drive a few more miles south to the Super Target where all my needs are fulfilled.

About one mile north and south of me, Wal-Mart appears and unfortunately my favorite store lost my sales to one of my least favorite stores due to convenience and of coarse gas mileage (with gas prices these days I need to conserve as much as possible).

My heart remains broken by the lack of Target in my life. The clothes that appear organized on hangers that I love so much disappeared. The book, music and movie sections no longer help me relieve stress from a bad day at work. The home décor section I roam the aisles of, while creating a wish list in my mind for my apartment is now a distance memory from my past.

Now I must force myself to experience the organized chaos that calls itself Wal-Mart. The sale DVDS appear in giant bins in the middle of the aisles, where I find myself digging through a germ pool in order to see if one of my favorite romantic comedies finally went below $19.99 plus tax. I do not even enter the jungle they refer to as the “clothing” section, because I find it impossible to maneuver my cart through a maze of clothes. And every time I step into a Wal-Mart, children scream bloody murder and I almost lose a toe as crazy moms sprint through Wal-Mart aisles as if her shopping cart turned into a racecar in the Indy500.

A void in my soul appeared about two months ago when I discovered my favorite store no longer could be apart of my weekly list of activities. Back in the day when Target existed within walking distance of my house, I would often just enjoy browsing in an effort to lift my spirits. Wal-Mart back in the day became a place that I would run in and out of for one item, while achieving an anxiety attack or two in the process.

Although Wal-Mart does carry Cadbury Mini Eggs in bulk for $5.99, I truthfully dream that the town I live in sees the need for a Target soon. I would rather buy my favorite Easter candy for two dollars more, then endure multiple anxiety attacks trying to purchase toilet paper on sale at Stress-R-Us (aka Wal-Mart)…just sayin’.

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