Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one,” 2014 (Anonymous).

It’s New Years Eve and just like last year, I am spending it alone at home. I am cooking myself a nice meal, indulging in a few beers and reflecting on the past year. I saw the quote above on Facebook a few times today and it really spoke to me. While most people are partying it up, I decided to stay home and start literally writing the book of 2014. I have wanted to write my whole life, yet my own demons and other people (assholes mainly), have gotten in the way of that the past 30 years (that’s right the new year also equals me entering my 30’s…holy fucking shit!!!).

I attempted to start writing regularly in 2012 and failed, because I had a lot of personal things I needed to accomplish. Although my struggle to pursue writing has haunted me throughout 2013, I realized that I needed 2013 to grow personally. On January 18, 2013, I decided to leave my hometown of Orange County, CA and move to the desert of Arizona all by myself. I knew some family and one friend (my bestie since the age of three, but I moved somewhere in this scorpion filled land all alone).

I learned quickly that one job wasn’t going to hack it in the bill area, even in a cheaper area of living. So for months I worked crazy hours at two jobs, but I wouldn’t change that experience for anything. I am pretty resilient and although lack of sleep affected my mood at times, I proved to myself that despite moments of insanity, I could do whatever it takes to survive financially on my own (the main goal of moving to Arizona was to finally gain independence and to help relieve my parents of the burden of helping me). The next year I plan to blog daily and share what I learned in 2013 with the world. I also plan to start writing the book that has been bubbling inside my head for years. I don’t want to waste another minute of my life wishing I was pursuing my dreams (that’s what my 30th birthday made me realize…. holy shit I’m 30! My dreams need to start now before I am another minute older…just sayin’).

 I spent the holidays with my parents who have loved and supported me no matter what. My dad’s gift to me was a lot of writing support, my friends in Arizona gave me writing journals for my birthday and my mom is just amazing always. My friends back home believe in me and support me as well. 2014 is literally about me writing my book. I am committing this year to pursuing my dreams that so many people support (I even returned to work after 5 days off to a post-it from a customer about a writing website…love-it from a post-it).

All in all…. I am 30, single (ugh! Another battle you will experience, because everyone on Facebook is married with kids!) and pursuing my dreams. I am planning to write a book and literally write continuously for the next 365 days of 2014! I hope you follow my pursuit of my dreams, learn from my experiences and through my journey start to follow your own dreams…whatever that may be to you. 

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