Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013 Theme

Quotes, songs, people, and tricky situations all make cameos in my life for a particular purpose and this will always be something I firmly believe in. With every quote read from Marilyn Monroe, bad experience, failed attempt at love, or latest hit single by Bruno Mars or Muse, all these elements of life share a significant ability to help me learn something new about myself or take me a few steps closer to figuring out the purpose for my life.

My beginning to 2013 involved catching this awful FLU virus that plagues our nation, working full time, packing for my life change move to the desert, and spending time with people I will dearly miss, while I take my life in a new direction.  My emotions about the physical act of leaving my hometown for the past 29 years and the first few weeks of 2013 would be described as, bitter sweet.

Today on my lunch break the quote above appeared on my Facebook “News Feed” (I use quotations, because most Facebook status’s would not be described as “newsworthy” in any of my journalism classes during college…we should probably call it a Life Feed…just sayin).  For the past two weeks I shared my move with my dear customers at work, who I will miss as well, each one asked me why I decided to move, my answer now to everyone will be the quote above (most people think I might possibly be insane for leaving the beautiful land of Southern California).

As I started growing older and closer to my 30’s, I began to realize life might be a lot shorter than I anticipated. As a child I couldn’t wait to be 16 so I could drive, I wanted to be 18 so people would see me as an adult (LOL 18 shouldn’t even be close to the legal adult age in this country), or 21 so I could legally buy alcohol, but around 25 the reality of true adulthood hit after college and sh@# got real pretty fast. No one hands things to you as easily as my dad handed me his ATM card for mini-shopping sprees at Target during high school, and now I realize that constant change becomes necessary to achieve things I dreamed of providing for myself as a child (You know…the ideas we all daydream about for our adult selves).

The beginning of my 2013 enlightened me to the reasons why I decided to move, because the songs, quotes, people and situations I experienced in 2012 helped me recognize what I desired for my future (my parents provided a lot for me growing up, but they do not hold the key to my own personal success and happiness).  I no longer want to wait for other people to see my potential, and as every year passes, I no longer feel time remains on my side.

The world will continue without me one day, but as I enter the last year of my 20’s, (which excites me since I now believe I rock at life and I’m finally moving closer towards my goal of cutting my umbilical cord from my parents) I feel compelled to start my own change and spend more time working towards reaching the highest potential I am capable of achieving during my time spent on this beautiful Earth.

P.S. I look forward to 2013 and the path it holds for me, what quote or realization inspired you at the beginning of this year? 

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