Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Snobs-R-Us (Orange County)...Smoking

I smoke cigarettes, the day I started this nasty habit might be the only thing I regret in my life. I try to quit and fail, so alas I continue to smoke. I attempt to keep my dirty habit to myself. I pay attention to no smoking signs and keep away from the kiddies. Smoking in Orange County places a person on a naughty list.
People that live here fight death daily. If Dr. Oz told them that cutting water from their diet would help them live a longer life, I bet everyone would believe him, dehydrate, and die. When Orange County dwellers feel a certain way about an issue they expect that everyone around them to feel the same. When it comes to smoking outdoors I think people in OC need to calm the f@#$ down. I believe that years of exposure to second-hand smoke causes risk of disease, but if someone walks past me for three seconds on the way to the parking lot, I’m guessing they won’t die. The polluted air people breath regularly in Cali probably causes more damage to their lungs than my smoke.
Recently I went to the farthest table from a public establishment to smoke a quick cigarette. A woman walked by me and said, “I believe this area is smoke-free, it states that on the building.” And I as calmly as possible said, “It states no smoking with-in 10 feet of the building and I am clearly 10 feet away.” And she replied, “No I don’t think you are.”
First thought that came across my mind included slapping a biznatch, but I refrain from practicing violence. Second thought, maybe someone should return to grade school and learn how many inches make a foot, 12, and after relearning the proper unit of length for a foot she may retract her statement about my distance from the building. Third thought, I guess her opinion on smoking made her compelled to expect everyone around her to feel the same way. I don’t feel the same Mrs. Orange County Housewife. I actually find it irritating that most public places confine me to a four-by-four square in a dark ally, where I must smoke in hiding.
This lady should feel lucky that she does not live during the time when people smoked at their desks at work, on airplanes, and in grocery stores. If I choose to poison myself let me be. I stay as far away from people as possible while smoking, so please keep your opinion to yourself. I did not feel it necessary to share my opinion about her outfit purchased at Forever21, which matched her sixteen-year-old daughter, and made her look ridiculous at the age of 50-something, but just sayin’ it now.


  1. Well then...tell us how you really feel. Haha. So, I'm kinda one of those ppl you're talking about. I won't say anything to ppl, but boy oh boy I dislike cigarette smoke. Now, on behalf of my ppl, I want you to know that we appreciate you being considerate and not subjecting others to the smoke. Don't mind the random lady; if it bothered her so much she should have walked around you :)

  2. Thanks Ana I appreciate the feed back. Its a crappy habit, trust me I wish this wasn't an issue for my life haha. I more felt irritated by a total stranger forcing her opinion and judgement on me. (I mean I'm expressing my opinion here, but people choose to read it)
