Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sharing Is Caring...#KellyCutrone

Just a few of my favorite quotes from the books of Kelly Cutrone. Love how she, like me, wants to help inspire people to follow their dreams and to leave an impression on society and the people around them. Good stuff...just sayin'.

"Believe that your inner voice is the voice of your soul...and it knows and wants what's best for you and will lead you to your individual purpose and destiny."

"It's important that no matter what your position, you savor and make the best of it- that you take from each reality what it has to offer you (and they all have something, trust me)."

"Life is like a bank account. Random acts of kindness, telling the truth, being loving, showing up for yourself and others - these are all deposits. Getting f@#$ed up, f@#$ing other people over, letting your ego lead your choices - the things we think are fun after eleven at night but don't seem so entertaining at eleven in the morning - are withdrawals. If we give more than we take, we progress. If we take more than we give, we regress."

"All of us are sparks and the whole global universe is a fireworks show. How does your spark manifest in the world? Is it progressive or effective? And what will it leave on this earth when it has moved on?"

Thursday, November 8, 2012 List...#Instagram

Instagram belongs on my list. My love for this amazing app for my phone grows stronger everyday. I love pictures and so do most people. I frequent Instagram more than Facebook nowadays, because I feel this website exudes positivity. Facebook at times allows people to share negative thoughts, but will always hold a place in my heart for connecting with friends.

Now my favorite app for my i-Phone went live as a website and I could not be more thrilled about this situation that the peeps of Instagram delivered to me yesterday when I opened the new love of my social networking life. This seriously became the most exciting news of my day yesterday! The website appears to be pretty legit. My favorite part of my Instagram page would be the top of the page, which flashes past photos I shared with people.

The past week, I unfortunately became MIA on my blog, because our old friends from Florida payed us a visit and I truly enjoyed the time I spent with them. The beautiful thing about Instagram is its resemblance to a moble photo album of our everyday lives. I posted pictures of the good times and great places I experienced with my life long friends. Wine tasting, eating at fabulous restaurants, and even the experience of witnessing one of the most beautiful sunsets in Huntington Beach with them.

Not only am I "just sayin'" things on my blog, I welcome people to follow me on Instagram and experience what Styna's "just sayin" through photography. I share quotes, food and my life experiences on my favorite thing on earth, Instagram. Follow this link,, and add me on one of the best things since sliced bread...just sayin'.